Friday, January 9, 2009

Dear Sarah Palin

Today, this article caught my eye. Don't worry, it's short. Since Sarah Palin talked big during the election about how she wants to listen to the Average American, I have written her a letter in response to the article.

Dear Sarah,

Is it ok if I call you Sarah?

I'm sorry you feel exploited. I'll try to explain why you're being exploited in small words you can easily You have a personality that begs to be made fun of. Have you watched Tina's (we're all on a first name basis here, right?) impression of you in the Katie Couric interview? She didn't even add much. She was pretty much quoting you word for word. That's not an exploitation; that's a reenactment. And if your material pretty much makes fun of itself, well, whose fault is that really?

I guess I kinda get why you feel that Tina has exploited you, but what did poor Katie do? I mean, I know she asked you a lot of really hard questions, like what newspapers you read and what supreme court decisions you agree or disagree with (couldn't even think of one, huh?), but she's not a comedian. I'm pretty sure she isn't still talking about you or your interview with her. Which brings me to my next point...

No one is still talking about you. I think the vast majority of Americans are trying really hard to forget you exist. But you can't be kept down, no. You're going to keep doing interviews and making the news every time you can. Isn't that kind of exploiting yourself? Most people who don't want to be exploited lay low. So, really, you're bringing this on yourself. If you don't want to be exploited, stay home. If you keep going out and talking your idiotic head off, don't complain when people make fun of you.

-Average Jess

P.S. You're right. Caroline Kennedy is being treated better by the media than you are. It's not classism. It has to do with the fact that she isn't a moron and you are. The end.

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